Paul Sakion
paul <at> (this website address)
Electrical engineer with an MBA specializing in the field of engineering test and measurement. Specific areas of expertise include the use of AI for industrial plant machine condition monitoring and the technologies supporting the fusion power industry.
Master of Business Administration (MBA), Golden Gate
University, San Francisco
Market Strategies for Technology Based
Companies, Stanford Continuing Education
Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering (BSEE),
Emphasis in Linear System Controls and Artificial Intelligence
(Neural Networking), University of California, San Diego
~10 years: Elephant Tech Consulting (
Engineering test, measurement, and communication consultant.
~15 years: Regional Manager, Bruel and Kjaer North America
Responsible for management, training, and strategic development in the
Western US and Western Canada through the management of direct /
indirect salespeople and application engineers. Additional
responsibilities included North American Key Account Manager tasked with
developing aerospace and telecom market presence by maximizing
relationships with major companies such as Boeing, Lockheed, NASA,
Apple, and Google. Accomplishments: Consistently
increased market share and revenue while controlling costs in a dynamic
sales environment. Five year growth of 43% per year. Leadership through
two major reorganizations. Increasing levels of strategic involvement in
developing / implementing Aerospace and Telecom account plans.
~3 years: Electrical Engineer, Science and Engineering
Associates, Santa Fe, NM
Consulting / engineering responsibilities including design,
implementation, time and cost reporting related to data acquisition
systems for innovative soil and groundwater contamination monitoring at
Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories.
Accomplishments: Implementing autonomous
instrumentation system for long term outdoor monitoring systems.
Fulfilling complex government technical and financial reporting
requirements. Researching and writing papers and proposals to
generate new business.
~3 years: Research Associate, Battelle Seattle Research
Center, Pacific Northwest National Lab ( /
Engineering support of licensing and stakeholder involvement projects
showcasing innovative environmental cleanup technologies deployed at
National Laboratories. Highlights included the design and programming of
graphical information systems which helped management and stakeholders
understand these technologies. Also provided electrical engineering
support for the Battelle Kenworth Truck Simulator which quantified the
effects of divided attention on truck driver safety, the Effects of Heat
and Noise on Nuclear Power Plant workers, and other projects.
Make Santa Fe (website) - Primary electronics lab instructor. Certified members to complete projects using the tools in the Maker Space including basic electricity, microcontrollers, and robotics.
First Robotics Competition (website) - Worked as one of the mentors of Santa Fe High School robotics team to complete the complex robotic challenges presented by the competition.